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Have fun :)
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This is a QuickFinderList for my Poses:
Western Poses 1.0 - Jog, Lope, Spin, Sliding Stop FIXED
Western Poses 2.0 - Walk FIXED
Western Poses 3.0 - Spin, Gallop 3 FIXED
Saddle Up and Lunge - Trot, Gallop, Snaffle Up FIXED
Arabian Stallion Pose Pack - Pose 4, Pose 6, Pose 8, Pose 9 FIXED
Trail Pose Pack - All Bridge Poses FIXED
Hunter under Saddle - Trot Pose 1 FIXED
1.Western Poses 1.0 (7/1/12 UPDATE)
10.Birth Pose Pack
11.Special Gaits
12.Gait Collection
13.Hot Headed
14.Birth, Special, Hot Head and Gaits TOGETHER
15.Western Pose Pack 3.0(7/1/12 UPDATE)
16.PasoFino PosePack
17.Hunter under Saddle PosePack(7/1/12 UPDATE)
18.Mount a Horse Pose Pack
19.Halter Pose Pack
21.Friends Forever Pose Pack (with Dog Poses)
22.The Farrier Comes - Pose Pack Horse Poses by Equestriad/Boy Wonder
23.Dog Agility Pose Pack
24.Barrel Racing Upgrade Pose Pack
25.Cross Country Pose Pack - Horse Poses by Equestriad/Boy Wonder
26.Western Pleasure Pose Pack
27.Join Up Pose Pack
28.Training Pose Pack
29.Arabian Pose Pack 2
30.Bad Riding and Black Sheep
31.Race Horse Pose Pack
32.Classical Dressage Pose Pack
33. Foal Pose Pack
34. Western Poses 4.0 Pose Pack(Cutting)
35. Jumping In A Winterwonderland Pose Pack
Quick Finder Markings and Coats
Appaloosa Blankets
Dapple Marking
Overo/Tobiano Markings
Blaze and Snip
New Marking Pack, Overo, Tobiano, Roan
Ribby Horse Light
Ribby Horse Heavy
Dapple Marking
Dapple Coat (Sims3Pack only!)
Appaloosa Varnish Roan
Appaloosa Spotted Blanket
Frosted Mane Long
Frosted Tail Long
Frosted Arabian/Shaved Mane
NEW Medicine Hat Body Marking
NEW Fluffy Winter Coat
Western Saddle Pad with Boots
Western Saddle Pad without Boots
4 Boots Only
Jumping Pad
Western Rug-Pad with Tassels
English Saddle Pad
Full Lambskin Pad
Sporty Riding Pad
Curved Pad UPDATE 9/13
Short Lambskin Allround Pad
Western Blanket
Quilted numbered Square Pad
Cross striped Quilted Pad
NEW Western Lambskin Pad
11.Special Gaits
12.Gait Collection
13.Hot Headed
14.Birth, Special, Hot Head and Gaits TOGETHER
15.Western Pose Pack 3.0(7/1/12 UPDATE)
16.PasoFino PosePack
17.Hunter under Saddle PosePack(7/1/12 UPDATE)
18.Mount a Horse Pose Pack
19.Halter Pose Pack
21.Friends Forever Pose Pack (with Dog Poses)
22.The Farrier Comes - Pose Pack Horse Poses by Equestriad/Boy Wonder
23.Dog Agility Pose Pack
24.Barrel Racing Upgrade Pose Pack
25.Cross Country Pose Pack - Horse Poses by Equestriad/Boy Wonder
26.Western Pleasure Pose Pack
27.Join Up Pose Pack
28.Training Pose Pack
29.Arabian Pose Pack 2
30.Bad Riding and Black Sheep
31.Race Horse Pose Pack
32.Classical Dressage Pose Pack
33. Foal Pose Pack
34. Western Poses 4.0 Pose Pack(Cutting)
35. Jumping In A Winterwonderland Pose Pack
Quick Finder Markings and Coats
Appaloosa Blankets
Dapple Marking
Overo/Tobiano Markings
Blaze and Snip
New Marking Pack, Overo, Tobiano, Roan
Ribby Horse Light
Ribby Horse Heavy
Dapple Marking
Dapple Coat (Sims3Pack only!)
Appaloosa Varnish Roan
Appaloosa Spotted Blanket
Frosted Mane Long
Frosted Tail Long
Frosted Arabian/Shaved Mane
NEW Medicine Hat Body Marking
NEW Fluffy Winter Coat
No-Shine Medium Lenght Tail FixTack
Western Saddle Pad with Boots
Western Saddle Pad without Boots
4 Boots Only
Jumping Pad
Western Rug-Pad with Tassels
English Saddle Pad
Full Lambskin Pad
Sporty Riding Pad
Curved Pad UPDATE 9/13
Short Lambskin Allround Pad
Western Blanket
Quilted numbered Square Pad
Cross striped Quilted Pad
NEW Western Lambskin Pad
Custom Content you will maybe need
Industrial Coffeetable for Trail Bridge (or follow the instruction)Farm Animals by rebecah on TSR for Roping Poses with a cow/calf
Equus-Sims Advent Calendar Special Gifts
Now available at Old Fellow Ranch
Download Fluffy Winter Coat
Download Medicine Hat Marking
Download Jumping Pose Pack
Download Western Lambskin Pad
Western Poses 4.0 - Cutting Pose Pack
Download here/Hier herunterladen
and now Arabian Shaved Mane from Lakeside Ranch as a frosted Version!
New Mane Texture and Tail Texture
Frosted Mane and Tail
The Tail is also a Shine Fix Tail, so non plastic horses :)
Zip Files with Sims3Pack and Package
Download Mane
Download Tail
I have to thank Amanda@MSE for making the mane mesh, and Equus-Sims for doing the Tail Fix!
3 new Pads!
Download Western Blanket
Download Quilted numbered square Pad
Download Quilted cross striped pad
Foal Pose Pack
a big Pack :D
Download Here/Hier herunterladen
Short Lambskin Allround Pad
Download here/Hier herunterladen
2 new Pose Packs
Race Horse Poses
Download Here/Hier Herunterladen
Classical Dressage
Download Here/Hier Herunterladen
2 new
Appaloosa Markings
Varnish Roan and Spotted Blanket
Varnish Roan Download here
Spotted Blanket Download here
New Dapple Marking and Coat
There are two opinions
Download the Marking as a package and create your own coat
Dapple Marking Only (Package)
Or Download the Coat or the Coat on a Horse(for those who cannot install coat's only) you will need the marking TOO!
Complete Coat Only - Sims3Pack (called DappleGrayCoat)
Complete Coat on a Horse-Sims3Pack (Called Mr. Dapple)
New Pose Pack
"Bad Riding and Black Sheep"
![]() |
"Ribby Horse" Markings
Download here Light Ribby Marking
Download here Heavy Ribby Marking
New Pose Pack!
Arabian Poses 2.0
Download here/Hier herunterladen
2 new Pads available :)
Download Sporty Pad
Two new Pose Packs
Join Up and Training Poses
Join Up Poses Download here/Hier herunterladen
Training Poses download here/Hier herunterladen
Western Pleasure Pose Pack
Download Here/Hier herunterladen
Note: Most of the poses have issues with the saddle horn, it tilts backwards, sorry :/
Full Lambskin Pad
Now Available
English Saddle Pad
Boots ONLY :)
Download here/Hier herunterladen
And another one!
Western Rug-Pad with Tassels :)Download here/Hier herunterladen
Today new!
Jumping Pad with Lambskin :)
My first Tack! *jump around*
A western saddle Pad with wither-Cut out and Boots2 Channels
The "only Pad without boots" version will come up soon
Download here/Hier herunterladen
New Pose Pack
Finally a Cross Country Pose Pack
with some "special" PosesDownload Here/Hier Herunterladen
Credits go to Equestriad/Boy Wonder who did this wonderful Horse Poses ♥
Barrel Racing Upgrade Pose Pack
New Dog Agility Poses!
Let's have fun :) Download here/Hier Herunterladen
Download here/Hier herunterladen
New Markings!
I made 3 Tobiano, 2 Overo and 2 Roan Coats
Enjoy :)
There is also a No-Shine-Tail Fix for medium lenght
Download Links:
All Markings -> Click
Overo1 -> Attention: Thumbnail is the skeleton! Click
Roan -> Click
Sabino Overo -> Click
Light Roan -> Click
Tobiano 1 -> Click
Tobiano 2 -> Click
Tobiano 3 -> Click
Medium Lenght Tail Fix -> Click
The Farrier Comes - Pose Pack
Download here/Hier Herunterladen
I wanna thank Equestriad/Badr for her Horse Poses, she asked me to add the Sim Poses and thats what It looks like now. Great Poses Sweety :)
"Who let the dogs out?"
New Pose Pack with Horse, Rider AND Doggy :)
Dressage Pose Pack
Download here/Hier herunterladen
Note: Make sure that you take Poses with "ENG" on Ending for English Saddles, they will fit betterDOWNLOAD HERE/HIER HERUNTERLADEN
New Markings!
With 5 Body Markings and 1 Head Marking
The Body Markings got 2 Channels so you can change the outline and the Marking itself :)
Attention: The Allover Marking is NOT included! I have to work on it!
Last a Blaze and a Snip
which assort together
Endlich Da, Western Pose Pack 3.0!!
Und ein/And a Paso Fino Pose Pack
Ich habe neues für euch!
Special Gaits
Hot Headed and Gait Collection
And Poses for your Foal Birth!! :)
Birth Foal PosePack DOWNLOAD
Special Gaits DOWNLOAD
Gait Collection DOWNLOAD
Hot Headed Poses DOWNLOAD
Heute gibt es ein Young Horse and Foal Pack, also ein PosePack für Fohlen und junge dynamische Pferde :)
ps. es gibt zwei Posen wo Stute und Hengst sich decken hihi xDToday I uploaded a Young Horse and Foal Pose Pack. Enjoy them :)
p.s There are 2 Poses of Horses-Mating haha xD
Finally we got it!
A Trail Pose Pack, wohoo I'm so exited and I just can't hide it :D
Attention: Below you can see how to build a bridge!!!
How to build a bridge
Wie ich eine Brücke baue
Link where you can find the Industrial Wheel Table
Link zum Rollwagen
Trick Riding Pose Pack
Download the Package here:/Hier herunterladen:
aaaand finally a Arabian Stallion Pose Pack!
Hope you Like them :)
Download them here:/HIer herunterladen:
Last PosePack on this weekend :)
Letztes PosePack für dieses Wochenend :)
Download here:/Hier Herunterladen:
Note: Download the Calf on TSR
Farm Animals by rebecah
Poses included:
Die meisten Posen der Pferde sind mit machen Reiterposen aus den vorigen Packages kompatibel :)
Most of the HorsePoses are compatible with the previous RiderPoses :)
Download them here:/Hier herunterladen:
New Packages! Neue Packages!
Trick Riding Pose Pack
Download the Package here:/Hier herunterladen:
aaaand finally a Arabian Stallion Pose Pack!
Hope you Like them :)
Download them here:/HIer herunterladen:
Last PosePack on this weekend :)
Letztes PosePack für dieses Wochenend :)
Roping Pose Pack
Note: Download the Calf on TSR
Farm Animals by rebecah
New Poses
Saddle Up and Lunge
Satteln und Longieren :) Poses included:
Die meisten Posen der Pferde sind mit machen Reiterposen aus den vorigen Packages kompatibel :)
Most of the HorsePoses are compatible with the previous RiderPoses :)
Download them here:/Hier herunterladen:
Now Available: Racing Poses!
Es gibt eine kleine "Posen-Überraschung" im Package...
Insgesamt 4 Posen, zwei Pferde und zwei Sim-Posen.
Hier herunterladen/Download Here:
Check out MORE Poses!!!
Western Poses 2.0
The "Basic Stand Pose" is included in both packagesDie Basic Stand Pose ist in beiden Packages vorhanden
Download here/Hier Runterladen:
DOWNLOADDressage Mini PosePack
Dressage Mini Pack Download here/Hier runterladen:
Rider Poses (Included in each package)
![]() |
!!!The Rider Poses are included!!! |
Download Both Packages/Beide Packages runterladen:
Hier herunterladen/Download here:
Dapple/Apfelschimmel Marking
Hier herunterladen:
Appaloosa Blankets
Hier herunterladen:
I just found your site! These are wonderful! I can tell that you took a lot of time with them to make them look just right! Thank you so, so much for sharing them!
AntwortenLöschenEine Frage habe ich aber
AntwortenLöschenin welchen Ordner tue ich diese sachen?
Electronic Arts-Sims 3-Mods-Package
LöschenIn having trouble downloading these, it just pulls up a file, what am I doing wrong?
AntwortenLöschenI like it!!! Thank you very much!! :))
AntwortenLöscheni also having troubles downloading
AntwortenLöschensomeone help please
Du hast wunderschöne Fellfarben, aber ich finde sie in meinem Spiel leider nicht. Ich habe sie runtergeladen und entpackt, doch nun kann ich sie nirgens finden. Hab ich was falsch gemacht?
AntwortenLöschenlg Soshy
Kostet das etwas, wenn ich das downloade?
AntwortenLöschenHabe da so ein ungutes Gefühl! :/
Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.
AntwortenLöschenI So Wish you had more poses on the Trick Ridding set! I've been dieng for some Vaulting poses for my Draft horses!!
AntwortenLöschenEs wäre total toll wenn du irgendwann man Pony posen machen könntest :-)
AntwortenLöschenlg Steffie
AntwortenLöschendeine sachen sind voll schön und cool ^-^
dennoch habe ich eine fragen:
1.:wenn ich die downloads entpackt habe kopiere ich sie in den download-ordner von die sims 3, aber dennoch bekomme ich die sachen nicht ins spiel hinein.mache ich da irgendwas falsch? (ich mache das zum ersten mal)
Bitte,bitte andworte mir-das wäre mir wirklich sehr wichtig :)
Du brauchst einen Modsordner wo du die Recorce.cfg hineinpackst und dann machst du noch einen weiteren Ordner in den Modsordner der Packages heißt. In denPackages ordner kannst du dann alles endpacken. Ich mache im den Packagesordner immernoch Unterordner, einfach nur für den Überblick:)
LöschenHello I am from Poland, and little I can speak English, but try to understand what is written here. Hey, please have someone I will write on the question: Is this mating and birth of the foal will be visible or blurred by the censor?
AntwortenLöschenbędzie widoczne bo to poza ;)
LöschenWow deine Seite und deine Downloads sind einfach der Hammer, wird gleich in den Favoriten gespeichert! :) You nailed it!
AntwortenLöschenIk kan ze niet downloaden dan krijg ik wel het mapje te zien maar niet met de sims teken dan moet ik een progamma downloaden/kopen?
AntwortenLöschenHoe kan ik deze gewoon downloaden zonder dat ik iets erbij hoeft te kopen.
#weten jullie nog meer leuke paarden spullen zonder dat ik me hoef te registreren of aan hoef te melden.
bedankt alvast!
So if I download all s doi iran to directly pose player, right?? But is that to not have the pose player and if this release will go where??
AntwortenLöschenYou just need to have in the sims 3 map another map that called mods. Put the items or poses in that map and then in the map packages. Then its in your game :)
AntwortenLöschenHope this helped :)
AHHH I LOVE YOUR POSES SOOOOO MUCH! i downloaded them all c:
AntwortenLöschenYOU ARE JUST SUPER!!!!! :D
AntwortenLöschenThese are amazeballs! I'll be downloading a lot from here! Thank you for having them!
AntwortenLöschenSlt j'ai une question svp!
AntwortenLöschenComment tu fait pour faire les pose ?
Vous le fait faire a ton personnage (ou animal) ou c lui même qu'il le fait?
Svp répondez moi merci
Hi I have a question please!
AntwortenLöschenHow have you done to make the pose?
You actually make your character has (or animal) or c even her he does?
Please answer me thank you
hi I got the young and free posepack how do you use it??
AntwortenLöschenYou have to have Pose Player to use any poses.